Microchip Information & Prices

DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE. A MINUTE IS ALL IT TAKES. MICROCHIPPING YOUR PET PROVIDES YOU WITH THE BEST CHANCE OF BEING REUNITED WITH YOUR PET IF IT EVER BECOMES LOST. Please do not bathe your pet or allow the area of the microchip implant to become wet for two weeks after the implant.
ALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT YOU REGESTER YOUR PET ONLINE AS SOON AS IT IS MICROCHIPPED. ALWAYS UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION IF ANYTHING EVER CHANGES, such as your address, email, or phone number! If the microchip company does not have current contact information for you, their agents will not be able to assist in getting your beloved pet back to you in the event it becomes lost!
The Microchip including the microchip Registration is $35. There are no annual fees. The only thing required by pet owner is to complete the registration online.
We strongly encourage and recommend that all pets be microchipped!
Based on thirty years of first-hand experience, it has been proven time and time again that the microchip identification system works. We strongly recommend that you provide your pet with the extra protection of through having a Microchip.
The #1 killer of pets is when they become lost. Even pets which stay “indoors” are at great risk of becoming lost, especially as a consequence of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, floods and earthquakes, or simply as a result of a door or gate being left open.
Such natural disasters are not uncommon and remain a huge threat for pets becoming separated from their families. It’s almost impossible to find your pet in such cases UNLESS it is microchipped! Often pets end up in shelters or temporary housing located in a different city or county than where their owners reside. Collars and tags do not provide a reliable source of identification, as they are not always necessarily kept on the pet, or often they accidentally come off, or they are even intentionally removed.
Many cities and counties have passed ordinances which require microchipping of pets. Regardless, microchipping is the responsible thing to do. Ask any of the thousands of pet owners whose pets’ lives have been saved because they were microchipped.
Questions & Answers
What is a microchip?
The microchip is a tiny computer chip which has an identification number programmed into it and is encapsulated within a biocompatible material. The whole device is small enough to fit inside a hypodermic needle and can be simply injected under the skin of our pets, where it will stay for the life of the animal. This provides a permanent, positive identification which cannot be lost, altered or intentionally removed – a safe, simple and inexpensive way to help protect your pet against loss or theft.
When can I bathe my pet?
Pet owners should not allow their pets to swim or be bathed for at least ten days after microchipping.
How does the microchip work?
The computer memory in the microchip contains a unique number – no two animals will ever have the same number. A radio signal is used to read this number through the skin of your pet. In addition to the number, the microchip generates a reliability check to guarantee that your pet’s identifying number is read accurately. This all takes place in less than 40 milliseconds.
How long does a microchip last?
Once injected under the skin of your pet, the microchip becomes encased by a thin layer of protein which should anchor it in place for the rest of the life of your pet. The microchip itself has no power supply to replace or moving parts to wear down.
What is the youngest age a pet can be microchipped?
Generally, animals of any age and size can be injected with a microchip and subsequently easily identified.
Does the procedure hurt my pet?
The microchip does not cause harm to animals. There is only a slight discomfort at the time of injecting the microchip. Many pets don’t even react to it. The microchip is encapsulated in a specially formulated biocompatible material created specifically for this kind of application.
Does my pet have to be sedated for the injection?
No. A microchip is injected under the skin with a hypodermic needle and takes only a few seconds to implant. Anesthesia is not required or recommended.
Could my pet be allergic to the microchip?
The microchip is inert and biocompatible. There is virtually no chance of the body developing an allergy or trying to reject the microchip after being properly injected.
If my pet is found, how does the shelter know to contact me?
When a shelter gains custody of a pet with a microchip they will contact the microchip company. If the pet is registered, the shelter will be given the owner’s name and contact information. If the pet is not registered, they will be given the name of the veterinarian who injected the microchip. The veterinarian might then be able to provide the owner’s latest information on file. Providing an alternate contact is also an important step in the registration process, as is making sure that you update your contact information in the event it ever changes.
What happens if I’m on vacation and my pet is found at the shelter?
It is important that you list a “Co-Owner” and/or an “Alternate Contact” on your microchip registration. This will provide other means of being contacted and/or will authorize another person to act on your behalf in the event of your absence. It is important that you contact the microchip company to obtain further information concerning the authority of a Co-Owner or an Alternate Contact.
My pets never leave my yard. Why should they be identified with a microchip?
It only takes one time for the mailman, gardener, meter reader, pool man, pest control man, maintenance person, neighbor, friend, or young child to leave a gate open or a door ajar. It then takes only seconds for a pet to escape. Natural disasters on one of the causes of lost animals. When faced with an occurrence such as a fire, earthquake, flood, or other devastating situation, the only source that may be of any help in reuniting a lost pet with its owner is a microchip.
Unaltered pets in particular have a desire to roam. Pet theft is also a frequent occurrence and sadly, beloved pets are sold for research or illegal dog fighting. Many times domestic and exotic animals are stolen for resale. Thousands upon thousands of animals each year are unnecessarily euthanized at shelters because their owners could not locate them in time to claim them.
For the safety of your pet, please be a responsible pet owner and microchip your pet!